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Candidate Experience & Today's Hiring Market

We want to help you land a career you will love. Get practical advice on interviewing, finding your next role, exploring new career paths, and succeeding in the job you already have. Plus, get the latest news on what's happening at Medallia! Read the latest articles to learn more.



Nobody likes getting ghosted.  However, there are a few reasons why communication delays and ghosting can happen during the recruitment process. With the behavior becoming more common in today’s job market,  check out these insights from both the candidate and talent acquisition professional perspectives, offering tips on how companies and jobseekers can make the process less spooky. Read the full article:

Understanding the Rules of Engagement for Interviewing

In the current job market, most job postings are experiencing a high volume of applicants. Recruitment teams have faced unprecedented reductions and recruiters are being asked to do more with less. The result? Candidates are often left feeling overlooked and ignored. To maximize your efforts as a candidate, consider these 8 key tips before, during, and after you apply to help advocate for yourself and your search.

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The hiring landscape has seen so much change in the past three years. In the last six months, hiring practices have been pushed to the limits. With constant shifts in the market and new trends in recruitment and talent acquisition emerging, what should recruiting leaders and their teams be focusing on?

As teams focus on being more efficient, internal development & recruiting, or automation with AI, everyone is betting on what the next phase of recruiting will look like. From the data we collected in the last year in 2022, the data all points back to EXPERIENCE. Check out the learnings we gathered in the last year. 

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Figuring out how to prioritize parenting and work is a constant challenge. Here are a fePublishw of my learnings on how to embrace the ebb and flow of work and life as a working parent or caregiver through the lens of seasons.

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